Cycle-Specific Fitness


Cycling is really my first love in terms of sport. I have taken numerous long-range cycling holidays throughout Europe, tackled sportives, been involved in TT's and taken part in adventure and ultra-endurance bike races. As such, I am well aware of the performance benefits that can be gained from a structured conditioning regime and equally the common postural problems associated with cyclists. I have tended to find that other cyclists are not as aware, and the majority still plump for the miles, miles, miles mantra. While there is definitely a place for endurance rides within your program, this should be combined with a variety of other training techniques in order to truly improve performance. You won't find Peter Sagan solely cranking it out on the open road day after day. Also, due to the nature of the pedalling motion and the position of a rider when seated, cyclists are notorious for their rounded shoulders and pelvic tilt. Leaving these unattended is a recipe for major back pain (upper and lower) in the long term and increased risk of injury in the short term - these are tackled head on.

The Solution - Road Cyclists

  • Develop overall leg strength and dynamic power

  • Improve cardiovascular performance through high-intensity interval training

  • Increase upper body muscular endurance without adding bulk

  • Introduce corrective exercise and focused core stability program to rectify possible postural problems

  • Include functional training to improve efficacy of proprioceptors - improve balance and bike control

  • Comprehensive nutritional review and plan - possible supplementation plan

  • Motivational coaching and sports psychology support to aid event performance

MTB Riders

  • Develop overall leg strength and dynamic power Improve cardiovascular performance through high-intensity interval training

  • Increase upper body muscular endurance, strength and explosive power- greater need to be strong in this area for bike handling and less concern for added bulk

  • Introduce corrective exercise and focused core stability program to rectify possible postural problems

  • Include functional training to improve efficacy of proprioceptors - improve balance and bike control

  • Comprehensive nutritional review and plan - possible supplementation plan

  • Motivational coaching and sports psychology support to aid event performance

These are of course just to give you a flavour of what your Cycle-Fit program may include - each client will actually receive an individualised plan according to their goals. These principles merely provide the basis from which to start the planning process from.